
第3回 クレームの内容を書くときのポイント
第1回 概観
第2回 明細書を書くときのポイント
第3回 クレームの内容を書くときのポイント
第4回 クレーム、侵害ポイントを書くとき
第5回 出願手続き処理のポイント
Part 3 of 5: Writing the Claims, Content of claims
I make sure claims cover the invention as broadly as possible. I make sure claims include necessary elements, and exclude unnecessary elements, in view of the prior art. I make sure the claim terms have proper antecedent basis. I make sure the claim terms are used consistently throughout the claims; for example, if “temperature of about 100-120 degrees C” is used in one claim, and “pressure of 8.6 MPa” is used in another claim, there is a high risk that pressure will be interpreted as exactly 8.6 MPa and not “about 8.6 MPa”. In this example, “about 8.6 MPa” should be used. I make sure the claim elements interrelate one to another. I make sure the meaning of all claim terms is ascertainable from the description of the invention, whether or not identical terminology is used between the claims and description. I make sure vague terms or subjective terms are not used. I delete a definition of a claim term in the description if I believe the definition could potentially be interpreted in a way that could narrow the scope of the claim term. I make sure the preamble of a claim does not have a potentially limiting effect on the body of the claim. I make sure means elements are not used, or are used in a separate claim to round out the scope of the claims. If a means element is used, I make sure the description describes corresponding structure of the means element.
In the upcoming weeks, I will write Part 5 of 5,
Part 1 of 5: Strong Patent, Generally
Part 2 of 5: Writing the Specification;
Part 3 of 5: Writing the Claims, Content of claims;
Part 4 of 5: Writing the Claims, Infringement Considerations;
Part 5 of 5: Prosecution Considerations.
Stay tuned.
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